Diagnostic and Screening Exams
Depending on your current need, our clinic offers simple screening tests for hearing as well as full diagnostic tests for specific hearing concerns, ENT examinations, DOT tests, and to be evaluated for hearing aids. We utilize a double walled sound proof sound booth for accurate results.
Cochlear Implant Evaluations
Are you struggling to hear even with hearing aids? We can help you find out if you are a cochlear implant candidate. The evaluation for cochlear implant candidacy is primarily performed in the sound booth both with and without hearing aids on to determine your exact level of hearing. We can also talk through options with you and provide you with more information on the cochlear implant process.
Newborn Hearing Screening Follow up
If your newborn did not pass the hearing screening at the hospital when they were born, they will need at least one follow up appointment to rescreen hearing. Depending on your baby’s specific situation, we may use an otoacoustic emissions (OAE) screener, an automated auditory brainstem response (AABR) screener, a full auditory brainstem response (ABR) test, or a combination. Please bring your newborn to this appointment asleep or ready to sleep as they need to be very still and quiet for any of these evaluations.
Visual Reinforcement Audiometry
This is for children around 6 months of age to about 4 years of age. Before children will stay on task for a traditional hearing test, we need to make the task a little more fun! Our screens in the sound booth light up with colorful pictures, animals, and toys to encourage proper head turn responses to sounds presented from the speakers.