Outpatient Services

Our dedicated team is here to provide you with expert medical care that doesn't require an overnight stay. Whether you need routine check-ups, specialized treatments, or diagnostic services, BCH Outpatient Services is designed to meet your health care needs.  BCH Outpatient Services is available Monday–Friday, 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, and on Saturdays from 7:00 AM to 11:00 AM.  At our facility, your health and well-being are our primary focus. Explore our range of services and let us help you stay on the path to good health.

BCH Outpatient Services Provided

  • Assessment and development of a plan of care for patients that are ill, but do not require hospitalization
  • Specialty medication administration and fluid administration via IV
  • Subcutaneous and Intramuscular medication injections
  • Routine catheter care
  • Central line maintenance and lab draws
  • Preoperative education and assessment prior to procedures at BCH
  • Pre-registration of obstetric patients
  • Obstetric evaluation (non-stress tests)
  • Blood and platelet transfusions
  • Discontinuation of CADD (continuous administration delivery device) treatments
  • Wound Care such as simple dressing changes and wound vac therapy

For more information about BCH Outpatient Services or to make an appointment please call 402.367.1375


Specialty Clinic Calendar

No events scheduled at this time. Please check again later.

The Parkinson's Empowerment Group at Butler County Health targets so many aspects and symptoms of Parkinson’s. It improves a person’s posture, mobility, balance, and coordination, as well as cognition and ability to multi-task. I also like the flexibility of the program and being able to adjust exercises from each position to fit the need of each individual patient.  

Andy Valenti, Physical Therapist Assistant